Have you ever received some really bad advice in the gym?
When I first started out and was super skinny, it seems like every old dude had the magic solution.
“You need to do high reps to get cut up”
“Don't do deadlifts, they'll ruin your back”
And one of my favourites “Train Insane Or Remain The Same Bro”
I was never quite sure what this last one meant. Sure, they would tell you “you need to train really hard or else you won't grow” and on the surface this sounds like good advice...until you try it .
I one time followed a 12 week squat program that had me absolutely maxxing out every week. Every single week I would squat until I reached failure.
And at the end of the 12 weeks...I got WEAKER.
This is a true story. In fact, as soon as I went on a more structured program (that was challenging but had the right intensity) did my squat EXPLODE.
Who knew the solution for a hard worker like myself was to take MORE rest to grow. Kinda crazy, right?
It's slogans like Train Insane or Remain The Same that Raskol was built against. Because ultimately, the slogan is vapid.
It's a belief based on nothing that gets parroted around so much that it sounds “true”.
Its why we made the tee “Trained Insane...Remained The Same” as a shot of reality into the space. Raskol seeks to destroy the false idols in the fitness space. The tiny lies that seem harmless but collectively erode the lifting culture.
This is a brand for the true hardcore lifter. A lifter who isn't afraid to get a little abrasive and raise some good trouble.
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