Sequels suck. Like did you know there is a Kindergarten 2 WITHOUT Arnold?
Nobody does. Because it is terrible.
Or how about all the recent Star Wars films? This is a bold opinion but truthfully, I think they are all stinkers.
None capture the lightning in the bottle of the originals. The answer is VERY simple why this happens.
A lack of passion.
Movies become hits and then studios see this, immediately greenlight a sequel, don't put any care into it and it tanks.
Not us. Lifting is in our blood.
Take for example our standout hit from the start of 2022: Train Heavy...I Can't Afford Therapy.
Immediately the design was a sensation.
“Holy shit, thats me, I wish it wasn't so relatable.”
It accurately captured a feeling so many of us had.
However rather than try to shill an inferior sequel, we went even MORE hardcore in our follow up tee.
Train Heavy...My Pre-Workout Is Rejection.
An even MORE uncomfortable truth. How many of us started lifting because we got rejected?
Maybe it wasn't from one person particularly but more the feeling that we didn't fit in, that we weren't being valued as a whole and that nobody took you seriously like you knew you deserved.
Lifting became an outlet to grow into another person entirely.
And some of us use those memories of prior experiences to shape a better future.
This is what happens when you don't have empty suits calling the shots in a company. When you have fellow lifters carefully designing tees and apparel for the hardcore lifter.
We understand you because we ARE you.
Our website is still stocked with a ton of good stuff, use Discount Code MUSCLE to save 10% off your order.