I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
You want to know how you stay consistent in the gym for years and years even after all those beautiful newbie gains have dried up?
Unlike those cringey motivation reels on social media would tell you, it isn't about only being disciplined or “hardcore”.
It also very likely doesn't involve getting up at 4am.
It's about enjoying the process. Being in the moment, in the gym, having a good time.
For each person that looks a little different.
Some like to go headphones on, hoodie up and get to work.
For others, its a mixture of socializing, good tunes and the right vibes.
But whatever it is, if you don't enjoy THIS, the lifting journey...it won't last.
Trust me, I've seen it too damn often.
People get burnt out, drop out of the gym and never come back.
It's why with our latest video, the theme is “It's Not That Serious”.
We ALL want to achieve our goals.
We all want to improve ourselves becoming a better more capable version of who we are.
If you look at ANY of the OGs in the gym that are still there, they LOVE lifting. They're usually laidback, having a good time and getting after their goals.
The secret to longevity is to really love this damn thing.
And in order to love it, sometimes you need to ease off the gas and be present in the moment.
These are our best years, lets not waste them pining for what could have been.
The best is yet to come and your journey is just getting started.
Enjoy the moment.
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